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Guess What??

Bailey did NOT cry at the gym today!!    

So I was able to work out for an entire HOUR!!

And crap, was it was exhausting.  I had grown quite accustomed to the short and sweet 15 minute workouts.  Drop Bailey off at the child watch, hop on the elliptical, almost break a sweat, and then get the page from child watch that Bailey was just too upset. Whoops!  Time to go!  At least I tried!   Yeah, those workouts were kind of awesome in a totally ineffective yet still could say that I went to the gym and justify slurping down a large Dr. Pepper kind of way.  If I don’t have the crying baby excuse anymore,  I may have to rethink this gym three times a week business.  


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FaganOctober 6, 2008 - 9:31 pm

I hope that’s my business card she’s holding? You really need to teach her to hand those out….

Happy Birthday, Steffi!!

Sending our birthday wishes from across the pond! We love you and hope to see you and David soon.

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SteffiOctober 6, 2008 - 5:08 am

THANK YOU !!!!! That made my day! It is topping every present. And thank you Parker for making me 24.

I love the pictures!

Many kisses from London,

Aunt Steffi

Barbara HendricksOctober 6, 2008 - 1:18 pm

Oh my! Happy Birthday, Steffi!!! I didn’t realize that you could possibly be 24! Of course, this is from Parker’s “32″ year old “Granbob”…don’t you just love kids!!! Check out those teeth on Bailey…woohoo!

Bellaire Seniors, Make Some Noiiiiiise!

It’s hard to believe that it has been ten years since Matt and I went to the Bellaire High School Senior prom….uh, Matt with Clarissa and me with Andy. 

Matt and I had a nice little evening out last night for his 10 year high school reunion. It would have been a great occasion to sort of unwind and throw back a few drinks, but we flat out couldn’t afford it!  $6.75 for a beer?  Seriously??  It cost $65 a person just to get in, and that didn’t even include dinner – only “heavy hor’dourves”.  (like pound cake.  get it?… get it??)

Surprisingly, even entirely sober, it was still fun to hang out with Andy, Sam, and Brandon again.  All that was missing was the big red Suburban.  (and Chuck, for goodness sake!  Where were you, dude?)

Well hello there, our little golden friend.  It had, indeed, been too long.

A little slice of the c/o ’98

I know what you’re thinking and YES, a girl that cute really is going to marry Sam.  On purpose!

(xoxo, Samuelito)

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GranbobOctober 6, 2008 - 4:28 pm

I think you both scored really well! You sure have made beautiful babies!!!!

andyOctober 6, 2008 - 8:35 pm

wait, wait, wait…”surprisingly” it was fun to hang out with us?! ouch

juicifrootOctober 6, 2008 - 8:57 pm

Again, 9 out of 27. That’s all I’m gonna say.

KarisaOctober 8, 2008 - 11:43 am

Love the new hair color!

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