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    I'm Janica, a Houston-based portrait photographer, and this is the JBO PHOTO blog. Here, you can check out my recent work, get the scoop on jbo photo sessions, and find out more (probably a LOT more) than you ever wanted to know about the day-to-day adventures of my quirky family.

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Another Step Closer to Normal

I woke up this morning to a wide-eyed Parker climbing hurriedly into my bed.

“What’s that sound like, Mom?”

And that’s when I heard it. A beautiful sound! The clanking, groaning, banging, rumbling call of the massive city trucks finally starting to clear away the towering piles of mosquito-infested limbs, leaves, and tree trunks that have consumed our cul-de-sac after Ike. Thank you, thank you!

Here are some shots from the day after the hurricane:

Views from the front door


And the backyard


And yesterday, things still looked like this:

But today….TODAY…!

I’m sure it will take them awhile. They have been working in our little cul-de-sac for over three house. They have to keep bringing in new trucks because they are filling up so quickly.

All in all, things are feeling a bit sunnier.

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rebelinhOctober 1, 2008 - 10:39 pm

holy cow.

Now THAT’S a Birthday Cake!

Check out the amazing cake that my cousin, Casey, made for Parker’s birthday party!  She has made a dump truck, a Victoria’s Secret bag spilling out lingerie, a Princess, a disc golf bag, a frog, and even a Super Mario Brothers cake!  Is there anything she CAN’T do?

I ate the entire left sleeve today.  I wish I was exaggerating.

Needless to say, the cake was a hit with the birthday boy.

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rebelinhSeptember 30, 2008 - 4:48 pm

it was delicious! (I scarfed a piece while hiding behind Casey while the girls ooo’ed and awwed at the present opening.
casey is AMAZING.

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