I Think Bailey is Missing

Because the child I’ve had the past couple of days sure doesn’t act like my Bailey!

Not only did she not cry at the gym on Monday, last night she slept from 8:00-5:30…and in her OWN bed!!  Not that I got any sleep, mind you.  Her big brother was up twice (very unusual) and I had my ear glued to the monitor all night, certain that I would hear baby rumblings at any moment.  

Perhaps we are turning a corner with sleep.  We just started making an effort to keep her in her own bed last week.  She is just climbing/crawling all over the place and I really don’t want her to go overboard in our bed.  So maybe this is just what she needed, her own space.  More likely, it was a total fluke and I have now jinxed myself for many, many sleepless nights to come.


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Karen ParodiOctober 8, 2008 - 5:33 pm

Good job Bailey! Dario will happily nap in his crib for hours during the day but if I put him in there at night, even dead asleep, he’s up within 15 minutes. I think the anti-crib radar is genetic or something.

ChrystalOctober 9, 2008 - 10:15 am

Yayyy! You can finally get some needed z’s. She is just getting cuter and cuter. I didn’t think it was possible.

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