Category Archives: First Day of School

First Grade

Didn’t this just happen yesterday? And yet, here we are, getting the school party started all over again. Parker.  He’s in first grade…and he’s fabulous. These are the faces that are stamped on my insides forever and ever. Dear Parker and Bailey…don’t lose this.  EVER. Come on.  You’d want to kiss this goodbye, too. I…

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The Kindergarten Kid

He’s been x-ing the days off of his calendar with mounting excitement.  And finally, FINALLY, we reached that big red circle. It’s SCHOOL TIME! A quick pep-talk to a little sister who was pretty darn sure she should be going on that school bus, too… ♥ Goodbye sister kisses. ♥ Goodbye Mom squeezes! (and kisses…

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k