Category Archives: First Day of School

Tenth Grade, Seventh Grade

I mean…pretty much. My kids are starting school online this year, because I REFUSE to send them to a school where they are forced to wear a mask all day in order to protect themselves and others, because you can’t take away OUR FREEDOMS! Ha.  Actually, nah.  It’s really because we are still in the…

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HIGH School, MIDDLE School

Let’s pretend that I shared these photos on Monday, the actual first day of ninth grade and sixth grade for Parker and Bailey. Let’s pretend that the transition to catching a 6:30 bus before sunrise, and then an 8:20 bus TWO HOURS LATER has been effortless and welcomed. Let’s pretend that my son is enthusiastically…

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Eighth Grade, Fifth Grade

It’s school time, suckers. For the past week, Bailey has been counting down the seconds, and Parker has been desperately cramming in as much Fortnite as he possibly can…and now it’s here.  School.  Deep breaths, buckle up, and all that jazz, because (once again!) life will be a whirlwind until Christmas. Let’s do it.

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