Category Archives: First Day of School

Seventh Grade, Fourth Grade

I don’t feel weepy today.  I’m pumped for these two remarkable kids of mine. Parker and Bailey, you are capable, you are kind, and the opportunities that you create for yourselves are limitless. Go get ‘em, tigers.

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Sixth Grade, Third Grade

Teeth were brushed, and excited footsteps thundered up and down the hall. Backpacks were checked and double-checked.  Breakfast plates were left half full. Nervous giggles and carefully selected outfits replaced the leisurely underwear couch-lounging routine of summer mornings. Deep breaths were taken. Buses came. Children were swallowed. Mom waved.  Alone. Pensive. It’s just that they…

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Fifth Grade, Second Grade

You don’t necessarily realize it while it’s happening, but there is this all-too-brief window when we get to decide exactly who our children are.  We subconsciously assign them personalities, interests, and even certain skill sets depending on what we think we see in them, and then we shout these qualities from the rooftops!  It is…

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