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    I'm Janica, a Houston-based portrait photographer, and this is the JBO PHOTO blog. Here, you can check out my recent work, get the scoop on jbo photo sessions, and find out more (probably a LOT more) than you ever wanted to know about the day-to-day adventures of my quirky family.

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Mr. Tree

Fascinating bit of entertainment on Friday afternoon.

Mr. Tree himself (”Telesphorus John (Steve)” according to the business card) knocked on our door on Thursday.  He kindly led me on a brief tour of my property and pointed out each treacherously dangling limb and disease-infested branch in sight.  I gasped appropriately as he described the potential horrors that we were setting ourselves up for if we were to allow such ominous foliage to continue to exist around our precious home.

Out came the checkbook.

And the next day, out came the Mr. Tree crew!  The kids and I sat out on the upstairs balcony and watched as the nimble men scampered up oak after pine, chainsaws in hand.  I thought Parker’s eyes were going to bulge out of his head as the saws roared to life and the limbs began to fall.  (Bailey, meanwhile, was more interested in trying to escape my lap to investigate the exact measurement difference between her head and the balcony rails.)  As awesome as it was to see the crew do their thing, nothing can compare to the power of…the wood chipper.  I’ll tell you what, there is no piece of machinery that inspires more gruesome awe and terror.  That thing does not mess around.  I was on the edge of my seat, certain that at any moment, the deceptively cheery-yellow beast would inhale one of the unsuspecting men – I was prepared to throw myself in front of the children to shield their innocent eyes from the carnage.  Fortunately, we were spared from such a display, and the limbs of the crew remained fully intact.  Can’t say the same for the limbs of our trees!  Coming soon, to a paper factory near you…




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(Bonus points if you know what that title stands for!)  

So I’ve decided to attempt the merge.  As much as I love having this cozy little nook of cyber-space carved out especially for All Things Boles, I feel like I am spread a bit thin trying to update two blogs with any sort of regularity.  And so, for now, I’m going to move all of personal musings over to my jbo photo blog.  I do hope you both (OK, maybe there are 3 or 4 or you…) follow me there and can feel right at home.  

CLICK HERE to take the leap…!

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GranbobJanuary 31, 2009 - 3:38 pm

I give up…I still think LOL means Lots of Love! Mom

juicifrootFebruary 1, 2009 - 5:12 pm

Ta-Ta For Now, Mom.
Learned it from Winnie the Pooh, so certainly not trendy or hip… ;)

They Said it Couldn’t be Done

No, actually, they said it shouldn’t be done.  But I did it anyway.


All Things Boles has been flirting with the jbo photo blog for some time now.  They could no longer deny their mutual attraction and really,  who am I to keep them apart?

So All Things Boles is moving in.

Friends and family, I hope you enjoy seeing peeks into my recent photographic expeditions.  And for those who are checking out jbo photo, I hope you don’t mind reading tales from the Boles household from time to time.

And hey, let’s keep the lines of communication open, shall we?  Use and abuse the comments section of the blog and let me hear from YOU…frequently!

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FaganJanuary 30, 2009 - 5:43 pm

I feel I should do something…..are the happy couple registered anywhere?

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