Category Archives: jbo photo


I have some gushing to do. Sam is one of my favorite people in the world.  He is a long-time, dear buddy of mine and is, in fact, responsible for the very existence of my little Boles family.  (see here) So Sam is a pretty important guy in my life, and he has given me…

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My best friend’s baby. There’s just something kind of special about  that. I finally, finally got to meet little miss Reese and she did not disappoint.  I brought my kids and I brought Chick-Fil-A…the camera was really an afterthought.  But too good I stuck it in my bag because baby, she’s a natural. I love…

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Someone just made the Little family a little bigger. Hello, sweet Oliver.  I’m smiling because you’re here, too.Oliver was as peaceful and laid back as he could possibly be.  Not even a whimper. This face, I promise, was from the cutest little sneeze imaginable.What a face!  ♥The second cutest little sneeze imaginable.  Seriously.You did it…

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