Category Archives: jbo photo


Crazy-cute-fun baby faces??  Emrey’s got your crazy-cute-fun baby faces right here! Three generations of magnificent.  Love you, Yates/Owen folks! Seriously?  Emrey is like a caricature of cuteness.  Like the cutest little muppet face you ever did see.   The teeth!  The teeth!Time to cowgirl up.The cute muppet face AND the teeth all at once?  Emrey,…

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Jacqueline, Nathan, and Daniel

Let me tell you a little bit about Jacqueline. Jacqueline is the adoring mama of two special boys, Nathan and Daniel. Jacqueline is currently a student at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas. Jacqueline has a spirit so sweet and gentle that it quite literally softens any room that she enters. Jacqueline was born…

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True story:  Elijah is one of my favorite names of all time.  And this sweet little Elijah does it all kinds of justice.   Tuckered out. Puckered out.(just look at that brand-new peely baby skin…loooove it!) Elijah’s beautiful big brother, Ernest! Master of superhero manipulation…pow! bam! bzzz!Ernest,  you just may have the greatest mop of…

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