Category Archives: jbo photo

Baby Luke

We have these friends, Greg and Kristy.  We go way back, and we get along so well because of the many important things we have in common.  Our families share a love for cruises, card games, the book of Deuteronomy,  the fact that our names together are Cox and Boles, Lupe Tortilla, and making beautiful…

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My Favorite Aldersons

My friends, the Aldersons.  Always a pleasure. We just took fun family photos last year, but something was missing… And here she is! Sweet baby Lyla has rounded out this family of six just perfectly. We were also lucky enough be be joined by Lisha’s lovely grandparents who just celebrated their SIXTY-SECOND wedding anniversary! Are…

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Welcome back, Douglas family!  It seems like we JUST took Lauren’s last round of maternity pictures, and that sweet Alyvia should still be this size. My, how time flies. Lauren, what a lovely mama of two you will be.  (so soon!) I’m just going to go ahead and say it.  Alyvia, sweet darling, you steal…

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k