Category Archives: jbo photo

Sarah and Paulie

What a treat to see Sarah again! Aside from being entirely lovely, she is also a fantastic realtor in Houston.  Oh, and she sure likes pugs…especially her Paulie.  (can you blamer her??) Sarah is involved with an awesome local pug rescue group, PugHearts, and needed some photos with Paulie for an upcoming fundraising event.  If…

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The Zachariah Family

I am sucker for babies. And smiley, contagiously happy babies that throw out the most adorably hilarious faces of all time..?  Well, it’s all over.  I’m 100% smitten. Dylan, kiddo, you are the BEST. Dad’s a drummer.  Dylan…is overwhelmed. A Dylan and his daddy.  What a handsome pair. Let’s throw a beautiful mama into the…

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Anniversaries are a wonderful time to celebrate our relationships.  There are many ways that we can show our loved ones how much we care, such as buying a nice gift, composing a heartfelt love letter, enjoying a romantic meal together… Or you can just do what Kelsey did and have a jbo photo Beauty Session….

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