Category Archives: personal

Like I Have Nothing Better to do…

  Why on earth do I get “inspired” to start huge and tedious projects at the most random of times??  I’ve been wanting to paint our bedroom for months, and have had the paint and supplies to do so for several weeks.  I do not know what on earth possessed me to bust them out…

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How awesome is it that my best friend’s son is my son’s best friend??   We spent the morning at the Boyd residence with Lizard, Kemper, and Carson, and I couldn’t help but have that overwhelmed moment as I looked around the room at the four awesome kiddos that were screaming and running and raising…

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Spotted Dick

No, I am not talking about the traditional English steamed suet pudding containing dried fruit.  I really, really wish that I was.  I apologize for the crass title, but seriously, how could I possibly resist?  I am also painfully aware of the fact that this is the second post in the very short history of this…

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