Category Archives: personal

Beyond the Boob

Bailey has just started to eat some solids.  I just can’t tell if she likes it… Parker finds it all particularly amusing.  :)

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A definite up-don't

My litte brother got married on Saturday and I was one of the bridesmaids. I made myself a hair appointment, but last week the bride told me that her hair guy could do mine, too. Sounded like good future SIL bonding time, so I made the appointment with him. I apologize for making generalizations, but…

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Oh for heaven’s sake…

So I’ve had my lovely, lovely MacBook since Christmas and just this minute discoverd the little gem called Photo Booth. I am sitting here all by myself, nursing my sleeping child and literally have tears rolling down my face…this is the most amusing thing I’ve done in ages. Hi-larious.  I can’t wait for Parker to…

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F a c e b o o k