Category Archives: personal

Now THAT’S a Birthday Cake!

Check out the amazing cake that my cousin, Casey, made for Parker’s birthday party!  She has made a dump truck, a Victoria’s Secret bag spilling out lingerie, a Princess, a disc golf bag, a frog, and even a Super Mario Brothers cake!  Is there anything she CAN’T do? I ate the entire left sleeve today.  I…

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Work it out, Baby

Just trying to unwind after a long day of birthday party-ing… When suddenly, the urge hits you! Just. Can’t. Fight it… Here we go now… Uh! Uh! Break it down. Shake your bow wow! Whoo!  Yeah…that’s the ticket. Much better.  And cheese.  

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Gag me with a Spoon

Parker had his birthday party today and the 1,000,000 presents have been thrown up all over my living room.  (bonus points if you can find Bailey) Our water heater sprang a leak and vomited water all over our hardwood floors. My suitcase refuses to unpack itself and has puked its contents all over the bedroom….

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