Category Archives: personal

Bailey. Nine. (when words fail)

  I’ve been sitting here, fingers anxiously hovering over the keyboard, trying to come up with a way to weave words together that can even begin to describe the love I have for this child. It’s just not working. The words that Bailey Boles inspires are powerful and evocative…adjectives like precious, sparkling, tenderly empathetic, and…

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On the 12th Year of Parker

Twelve years old.  Middle school.  PBO, it’s safe to say, shit suddenly got real. When I was twelve, homework wasn’t as effortless anymore, I kept my bedroom door shut more often than I kept it open, my parents got divorced, and I felt certain that the turquoise eyeliner I swiped from my mom’s makeup drawer…

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Sixth Grade, Third Grade

Teeth were brushed, and excited footsteps thundered up and down the hall. Backpacks were checked and double-checked.  Breakfast plates were left half full. Nervous giggles and carefully selected outfits replaced the leisurely underwear couch-lounging routine of summer mornings. Deep breaths were taken. Buses came. Children were swallowed. Mom waved.  Alone. Pensive. It’s just that they…

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k