Category Archives: personal

More Bailey, Please. (much more)

“Bailey, wake up!  Bailey, you’re SIX!  Happy birthday!” croaked an excited voice from the opposite side of the bed. The warm mound of little sister curled between us slowly stirred, and then tiny toes suddenly clenched against my leg in realization. “OH! Thank you, Parker!  Can I kiss you now??” Bailey Boles, how’d you ever…

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Officially a Kid

I don’t know why teeth are such a weird thing and major milestone for me.  Tiny, perfect baby teeth mean that I still have a tiny, perfect baby…  And then they start to fall out and are replaced by these huge, gnarly chunks of enamel, dentine, pulp, and cementum.  (so maybe I Goggled.)  We are…

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k