Category Archives: personal

Parker (did I catch a niner in there?)

Parker, oh Parker.  You’re NINE, and for your birthday, all you wanted was a YouTube account.  This speaks volumes about where we are in life, my friend. (by the way…wish granted, buttercraft17) It’s getting real now, this big kid-dom.  You make your own choices, you set your own alarms, you pop your own popcorn, you…

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First Day of Cool

Bailey started kindergarten today.  I didn’t even have time  to fully wrap my head around that fact and then it suddenly just happened.  And now it is over. She loved it.  It was “awesome” and “amazing” and “the best day ever” and every other sunshine-dipped Bailey superlative.  I’m proud of my daughter.  PROUD of her. …

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I Liked the Way you Looked Today

I liked the way you looked today. I liked how you went upstairs to dress yourself and then called down excitedly, “Are you ready to see my surprise fashion clothes??” I liked when you impatiently tugged and nuzzled at my arm during lunch when I was trying to chat with a friend.  It’s hard to…

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k