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    I'm Janica, a Houston-based portrait photographer, and this is the JBO PHOTO blog. Here, you can check out my recent work, get the scoop on jbo photo sessions, and find out more (probably a LOT more) than you ever wanted to know about the day-to-day adventures of my quirky family.

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Happy 4th Birthday, Parker!!

Oh, my precious, precious baby boy. How in the world have you gone from this:

to this:


in only four years??   Sweet Parker, your perfection leaves me speechless.  You are truly a gift, and when you came into this world, I knew, for the very first time, what it was like to love unconditionally.

Oooooooh, do I feel sappy tonight, or what??  Gotta figure out how to bottle some of this up so I can swig a little during the crazy days when I am this close to imploding from kiddo frustration.

Seriously though, this kid, Parker, P-Bo, P-man, P-Dizzle, P-to-the Biz-o, Pinklestein…whatever you call him (and he will instruct you explicitly on the matter), is 40 pounds of pure charm and delight.  

Happy Birthday, my big boy.  (I’ll just pretend I didn’t see you pop that wo-wo in your mouth tonight as you cralwed into bed.  It can be our little secret.  )

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AmyOctober 20, 2008 - 6:48 am

Happy Birthday Parker!
Love, Ian and Molly

Amy WilsonOctober 20, 2008 - 10:13 am

Happy Birthday to one of the cutest kids ever seen at TBW!!

GranbobOctober 20, 2008 - 10:24 pm

Unbelievable that the little blonde bundle that graced our lives is now 4 years old. Just wait until that little Parker Man presents YOU with a baby Parker Man (or Lady). Your heart will once again be stolen and you won’t have those “bad days” to balance so you’ll do silly things like play pretend football for 3 hours and love every minute of it, then read even the fine print in “F is for Football”! Happy Birthday, Parker! You are one of the brightest lights in my entire life!!!



After much tinkering, I am delighted to share that my new photography website has launched! Please stop by and check things out. If you are local, check out the pricing info on the site for the limited ‘Plump my Portfolio’ sessions. I only have 8 available, and I’d love for YOU to have one!

Have I mentioned that I am pumped??

www.janicabolesphotography.com ~or~ www.jbo-photo.com

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Tracy DangerOctober 18, 2008 - 4:32 am

Congratulations!!! Your site looks great, and your photos are amazing! You should convince Trecia (or maybe I should…?) to take one of your plump photo sessions with the twins…I may be biased, but they’re pretty darn cute!

FaganOctober 18, 2008 - 10:27 am

Congradulations! Your site is pristine and I’m sure you will be devastatingly successful.

Snort of the Day

I thought I’d start a nice little segment here on All Things Boles called Snort of the Day.  Just a tidbit from our day that I have found snort-worthy.  Abstract concept, isn’t it?

Try to stay with me.

I was working on the computer this afternoon and Parker was in the hall bathroom, taking care of business…um, in the second degree.  He has recently found it necessary to flip through a magazine as he perches upon the pot and yes, it is rather precious.  

Suddenly, I hear excited footsteps come padding down the entryway and his half-naked self appears in the office, magazine clutched in hand.  

“Mom! Mom!  Look, I found Obama!  But what is he doing, Mom?  What is Obama doing in this picture?”  

Fully expecting to see the Obama/Biden cover of Newsweek that I know could be found in the hall bathroom, I was really thrown for a loop when I turned it over and saw this:






“Well, Parker, Obama is dancing.  He’s dancing because he’s happy and he’s going to be our President.”  

“Oh, that’s great!  He looks cool.”

“He IS cool, Parker,” I said.

And I smiled.

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Karen ParodiOctober 16, 2008 - 11:00 pm

Cause he’s the president of awesome, Parker, that’s why!

Amy WilsonOctober 17, 2008 - 7:48 am

Dude- Karen totally beat me to it. Exactly what I was going to say.

KeriOctober 17, 2008 - 11:03 am

way to teach him young! :)

hockeymamasforobamaOctober 18, 2008 - 9:53 pm

He is cool. And so is Parker.

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