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    I'm Janica, a Houston-based portrait photographer, and this is the JBO PHOTO blog. Here, you can check out my recent work, get the scoop on jbo photo sessions, and find out more (probably a LOT more) than you ever wanted to know about the day-to-day adventures of my quirky family.

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The Kruger Family

Hello, most wonderful Kruger family.  Thanks for the mega-cuteness that you injected into my morning!

I just love spending time with new little families, and Danielle, Noah, and Nathan fit the bill quite nicely.


Danielle and Noah are now parents of a ONE-YEAR-OLD.  Happy birthday, sweet Nathan!

Bubble boy!  Swoon.

Nathan is a man of many faces…and I loved each and every one of them.

Sooooo close!

Oh Danielle and Noah, you’re flat-out adorable.  So there.

Handsome man!

What a perfect family.  Keep enjoying each other!

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The Rock Slinger and his Greatest Hit

For many, many Wednesday nights now, Parker and Bailey have been rehearsing for their church choir musical, The Rock Slinger and his Greatest Hit.  (the story of David and Goliath, get it? huh?)   I have to admit, I never quite know what to expect from Parker or Bailey when they hit the stage.  The Christmas program last year was certainly memorable.  And for months now, all Parker can talk about is wanting to be a Michael Jackson performer.  He is convinced that my brother’s upcoming wedding will be the perfect opportunity for him to make his debut MJ performance.  I fully expected there to be one moonwalking sentry soldier up on stage last night, but P kept his entire performance rather mellow.  Bailey, meanwhile, is completely fickle about her desire to entertain.  When she wants your attention, by golly, you’ll know it. At other times, however, she will play shy-kid to the extreme.  But no matter what, I’m afraid that Bailey just being Bailey is going to be entertaining, whether she likes it or not.

The little lamb trio (Bailey in the middle) opened the show last night with two sweet songs.  Throughout rehearsals, they have sounded perfectly angelic. However, this was the first time a microphone was thrown into the mix…

(please excuse the jiggly videos.  I’m a full-body giggler, even though, clearly, “it’s not funny!”)

I was incredibly proud of both of my unique and awesome kids.  Thanks for always keeping me on the edge of my seat, P and B.

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AngieMay 21, 2012 - 9:50 am

Dearest Bailey you just cannot comprehend how funny it clearly was. Thanks for the tears of laughter :)

The Dozier Family

Once upon a time, …well, it was a very specific time, actually, so…ahem.

Once upon the fall of 1990, I had the great fortune to become best 5th grade buddies with the zany new kid in school, a gal named Juli Butler.  Now, this wasn’t just any gal.  Juli was the loud and proud wild child daughter of my social studies teacher, Mrs. Butler.  And Mrs. Butler wasn’t just any teacher.  This was the kind of teacher that let us write on her overhead projector and gave us special treat graham crackers and (joy of joys!) GUMBALLS that we could chew during class as long as we spit them out in the trash can that she held by the door as we exited her classroom.  The best.  My 10-year-old self was enchanted by Juli’s bold antics and unbridled sass.  Sadly, devastatingly, Juli and I only shared one precious year as Beneke Bears together before she transferred to another district.

I’ve had over 20 Juli-less years since then…but by the power of the almighty Facebook, there has been a Juli/Janica reunion!  There is something to be said about a person whose joyful, fun-loving spirit remains virtually unchanged after so many years.  To know this girl is to adore her – just ask any one of her bazillion friends and loved ones.  Juli, together with her strapping husband Anthony, have created an undeniably awesome family with their kiddos, Ella, Gibson, and the most recent addition, baby Coen.  Courageous Coen has had a lot of struggles in his little man life, as he was diagnosed with Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus before he was born.  He is a total champion, and is surrounded by incredible amounts of love and support.

I’m so lucky to know you, Juli.  I am inspired by your selfless heart and delighted by your filterless humor.  I insist that there be no more 20 year gaps in our friendship.

jbo and jdo 4 eva


(where’s one of those whistling wolves when you need it?)

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KevinMay 17, 2012 - 3:02 pm

cute family. Nice pictures.

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