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    I'm Janica, a Houston-based portrait photographer, and this is the JBO PHOTO blog. Here, you can check out my recent work, get the scoop on jbo photo sessions, and find out more (probably a LOT more) than you ever wanted to know about the day-to-day adventures of my quirky family.

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Ben, Davon, and Austin

One day it rained.

The next day, there was a sick kiddo.

But on the THIRD day…I was finally able to meet Ben, Davon, and Austin.  I am happy to report that they were definitely worth the wait. :D

I’d just like to take a second and give a virtual high-five to my four-year-old assistant for the day, the one and only Bailey Boles.  Girlfriend took charge of my iPhone and left us with some lovely mementos from the session.  And a video.  A very profound video.



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[...] seeing you for round two, Ben, Davon, and little man Austin!  You folks look good out in the [...]


I’m pretty crazy about a lot of people in my life, and Heather is certainly one of them.  Growing up, we were both members of a fairly life-changing gang of rascally, church-going youth known as the CCCCCCCYF.  It’s alright to be intimidated.

We shared many a laugh, cry, and moments of Taco Cabana fellowship.  It amazes me to consider how we’ve both grown up, started awesome families, and found our places in this grownup world.  Heather attended TCU, graduated seminary, and is now a senior minister of a Disciples of Christ congregation.  And I have a degree in Religious Studies and now take pictures of ministers. ;)  Oh, life.  Thanks for keeping us on our toes.

Love and laughter to you, J.R., Heather, and most precious Zane!  Can’t wait to hang out again soon.

It’s a Granny! ♥

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