1st Day, Pre-K

What you see here is 40 inches of pure personality.

And today was the first day of her last year in preschool.:)

Little Bill, what can I possibly say about you that can come close to describing your level of awesome?  You make me LAUGH!  You overflow with compassion and thoughtfulness…and yet have quite enough sass to keep me on my tippy toes at all times.  My favorite thing is to sit back and just watch as you interact with the world around you.  Your Bailey-ness puts smiles on the faces of strangers, and brings even more joy to those lucky enough to know you.

As we pulled into the school parking lot this morning, I knew that you were excited to start the new year.  But in true Bailey fashion, you took me by complete surprise when you looked straight into my eyes and said earnestly, “Mom, it’s going be be a great day.  I feel VERY confident.”

Bravo, Bailey Boles.

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Amy @ Muddy BootsSeptember 4, 2012 - 8:50 pm

Bottle that up!!

She really is stunning.

(Where did you get her chevron top? I’m obsessing over it.)

It's me, Betsy!September 4, 2012 - 8:51 pm

Good gracious,these photos are RAD! Love her!

ClaudetteSeptember 5, 2012 - 11:08 am

She is truly super adorable and although I don’t know her, I feel you’ve captured her sparkly personality perfectly! I’m sure she blew the other kids out of the water!

[...] a second and give a virtual high-five to my four-year-old assistant for the day, the one and only Bailey Boles.  Girlfriend took charge of my iPhone and left us with some lovely mementos from the session.  [...]

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