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    I'm Janica, a Houston-based portrait photographer, and this is the JBO PHOTO blog. Here, you can check out my recent work, get the scoop on jbo photo sessions, and find out more (probably a LOT more) than you ever wanted to know about the day-to-day adventures of my quirky family.

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First Day of Cool

Bailey started kindergarten today.  I didn’t even have time  to fully wrap my head around that fact and then it suddenly just happened.  And now it is over.
She loved it.  It was “awesome” and “amazing” and “the best day ever” and every other sunshine-dipped Bailey superlative.  I’m proud of my daughter.  PROUD of her.  It’s all I can do to just sit back and marvel sometimes.  She is absolutely infectious, and I am so lucky that I get to share her with others.

Parker…the third grader.  His classroom doesn’t have toys, or primary colors, or crayon-filled desks, or teachers with sing-song voices.  But man, he’s ready.  I’ve watched this kid geek out recently.  Minecraft is an OBSESSION,   the U.S. Presidents are his hobby-du-jour, and I find myself panicking at times when I realize that I’M NOT THE BOSS OF HIM.  When we hug these days, he’s letting go first.  He wants sleepover parties and has secrets with his “bros”.  He wants his jeans to be skinny, his hair to be long, and he thinks the Internet restrictions that we give him are “so unfair”.  Don’t get me wrong…this precious baby of mine is nothing short of perfection – but he is GROWING UP.

I am humbled and I am grateful, and I am so desperately, wildly,  shamelessly in love with these two little humans.  Take care of them, world, and they will give you so much in return.

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LeanahAugust 27, 2013 - 6:49 am

I love growing up with your kids!

I Liked the Way you Looked Today

I liked the way you looked today.

I liked how you went upstairs to dress yourself and then called down excitedly, “Are you ready to see my surprise fashion clothes??”

I liked when you impatiently tugged and nuzzled at my arm during lunch when I was trying to chat with a friend.  It’s hard to stay annoyed when you are giving me upper arm hickies.

I liked how hard you worked on the sight word flash cards.  I’ve never seen such fidgeting and short term memory in my life…but I know you were trying.

I liked how you ate all of your spaghetti squash and six lima beans.

I liked the “joke” that you made up and how you giggled your way through telling it to me.  “What do you call a strawberry with no straw?  A BERRY!”

I liked the way you looked today, Bailey.  And I hope I never forget it.

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GailAugust 7, 2013 - 7:04 pm

OOOhhhhh how I LOVEEE this Janica!!!

amberAugust 7, 2013 - 9:09 pm


Chrystal ColeAugust 7, 2013 - 9:37 pm

So cute!!!

jboAugust 8, 2013 - 8:29 am

An amazing compliment from my personal blogging hero! xoxo

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