Category Archives: personal


 If there is such a thing as the 7-year itch, then there’s only one guy that I’d pick to scratch it.  Happy anniversary,  my Matthew.   And if I may, I’d like to resurrect my feelings on the subject from a couple years ago: Once upon a time, there were two rather normal folks… Who…

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Bailey’s First Day

Step aside, big brother…you’re not the only one who’s in school now. Oh Little Bill…you never fail to surprise me.  My dramatic princess has been whimpering and whining at the idea of going to school all week.  She has literally wept when I have told her that I won’t be staying in the class with…

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The Kindergarten Kid

He’s been x-ing the days off of his calendar with mounting excitement.  And finally, FINALLY, we reached that big red circle. It’s SCHOOL TIME! A quick pep-talk to a little sister who was pretty darn sure she should be going on that school bus, too… ♥ Goodbye sister kisses. ♥ Goodbye Mom squeezes! (and kisses…

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