Category Archives: Bailey

Tetherball Training

Gentle moms don’t raise champions. . Practice… …makes… …doh! A little sweet talk can’t hurt. New strategy. Watch out, Napoleon.  She’s on her way.

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Princess Raincloud

A few months ago, as we sat in the Disneyland parking lot, the kids were discussing nicknames and wanted to pick their own.  After a lot of thought, Parker decided to stick with Pbo, and Bailey instantly announced that she would be Flower Einstein.  About five minutes later, however, Bailey dramatically announced that she did…

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Party Girl

In five days, Bailey will be 3 years old.  We will have difficultly transitioning from the rapid-fire “two-and-three-quarters” response that she is so used to spitting out whenever she is asked her age…but I’m sure she’ll manage.  She’s a fast learner. Although I hadn’t planned on a formal birthday party, I decided to throw together…

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k