Category Archives: Bailey

First Day of Cool

Bailey started kindergarten today.  I didn’t even have time  to fully wrap my head around that fact and then it suddenly just happened.  And now it is over. She loved it.  It was “awesome” and “amazing” and “the best day ever” and every other sunshine-dipped Bailey superlative.  I’m proud of my daughter.  PROUD of her. …

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Five Full Years of BAILEY

“Oops!  Excuse me, I tooted.  I’m sorry if it stinks.” *silence* “Wait, am I really five??” What a perfectly Bailey-esque monologue for me to wake up to in the early morning hours of January 10, 2013, Bailey’s fifth birthday.  She is as polite as she is filter-less, and the idea of getting older truly gives…

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k