Oh, Campbell Jean…you are my latest and greatest kid-crush. Sam and Shelby have exactly the kind of kid that I would have expected them to have – the AWESOME kind.
Wonky weather made our first session an abbreviated one, and when session #2 came around a week later, sweet Campbell hadn’t napped all day and juuust before our session started, she conked out in the car. Now, for most kiddos, this would definitely spell disaster for impending photos. But for my favorite ham, Cam, it just spelled adorable. What a trooper.
I love you three. Oh, and that tiny dog of yours, too.
Trying to catch a snooze…
How many sleep-deprived babies do you know that can wake up with this kind of sweetness?
Need more of the Moores?
Shelby’s Maternity
Campbell’s Newborn
[...] Moore Family [...]