Yearly Archives: 2009

He’s Back!

Can you keep up? Matt’s out-of-town trial that was scheduled, then settled, then un-settled, has uh, settled.  For good.  :) I miss this handsome mug when he’s not around.  Welcome home, baby.  Now STAY here, darn it!!

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Good News/Bad News

~Good News~ We have had such lovely family time the past few days.  Happy, clean, wholesome fun.  It feels awesome, and the kids have been thrilled to have their Daddy back home. Bad news: The court case UN-settled (can they do that??) and Matt is leaving to go out of town again first thing in the…

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Green with Envy?

I dare say you should be.  :) Matt’s out-of-town trial?  Settled. Draft beer?  Check. (thanks kegerator) Green food coloring?  Check.  (only 2 drops per mug, please!) Green salsa. Great weather. Front yard swing. Family. Fabulous. Popout (try clicking on the “HD” button for the video.  it may take a moment to load, but the quality…

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F a c e b o o k