Yearly Archives: 2009

Bless you, my child

Bailey has this new trick. This amazingly, excruciatingly adorable new trick.  And dang it, I can’t, for the life of me, get it on tape!  I won’t admit to how many attempts were made to capture this preciousness on film, and I can’t say that the proceeding videos truly convey her best effort…but you get…

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Just cuz’(ins)

How’s this for a happy-fun bunch?? We had some darn good cousin hangout time a few nights ago.  Matt and I met my cousin Casey and her gang for some good ol’ park, pizza, and play time.  Let me tell you, it was long overdue.  The dynamic between these kiddos is so fun to watch….

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My Precious Weirdo

If she was throwing a tantrum, that would be one thing…  But seriously, she was happy as a clam. Just had to get it out of her system.

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k