Yearly Archives: 2008

A Princess, a Ballerina, and my Unmentionables

God bless him. Parker is just a TALKER.  Especially in the car.  He really hits his stride during our commute to and from preschool.  Lately, the talk has been about football, football, football.  We pass his future middle school and high school each day and, without fail, he launches into a verbal assault of specific…

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Another Step Closer to Normal

I woke up this morning to a wide-eyed Parker climbing hurriedly into my bed. “What’s that sound like, Mom?” And that’s when I heard it. A beautiful sound! The clanking, groaning, banging, rumbling call of the massive city trucks finally starting to clear away the towering piles of mosquito-infested limbs, leaves, and tree trunks that…

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k