Yearly Archives: 2008


TA-DA!! After much tinkering, I am delighted to share that my new photography website has launched! Please stop by and check things out. If you are local, check out the pricing info on the site for the limited ‘Plump my Portfolio’ sessions. I only have 8 available, and I’d love for YOU to have one!…

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Snort of the Day

I thought I’d start a nice little segment here on All Things Boles called Snort of the Day.  Just a tidbit from our day that I have found snort-worthy.  Abstract concept, isn’t it? Try to stay with me. I was working on the computer this afternoon and Parker was in the hall bathroom, taking care…

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I've Lost my Ever-Loving Mind

I just SOLD my ticket to tomorrow night’s New Kids on the Block concert. Utter blaspheme. I could spend the evening with Danny, Donnie, Jordan, Joey, and Jon…but I choose Matt.

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k