They Said it Couldn’t be Done

No, actually, they said it shouldn’t be done.  But I did it anyway.


All Things Boles has been flirting with the jbo photo blog for some time now.  They could no longer deny their mutual attraction and really,  who am I to keep them apart?

So All Things Boles is moving in.

Friends and family, I hope you enjoy seeing peeks into my recent photographic expeditions.  And for those who are checking out jbo photo, I hope you don’t mind reading tales from the Boles household from time to time.

And hey, let’s keep the lines of communication open, shall we?  Use and abuse the comments section of the blog and let me hear from YOU…frequently!

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FaganJanuary 30, 2009 - 5:43 pm

I feel I should do something…..are the happy couple registered anywhere?

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