Parker and Bailey

If you’re going to spend a Daddy-less summer eating, playing, sleeping, pottying, bathing, giggling, weeping, running, dancing, and exploring the outermost limits of your patience with a couple of kids…I dare you to find a better duo.

Love to my Sweet P and Honey B.

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MattJuly 6, 2010 - 3:19 pm

Man, they’re good lookin!!

LeanahJuly 6, 2010 - 3:29 pm

Yummy goodness. Little pieces of heaven, right in the same room with you!

GranbobJuly 6, 2010 - 9:41 pm

Gosh, I was just with you guys…but I already miss you. Well, who wouldn’t miss those precious faces…and their Mommie. Be safe tomorrow! I’m sorry Matt…I KNOW you are missing them!

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