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    I'm Janica, a Houston-based portrait photographer, and this is the JBO PHOTO blog. Here, you can check out my recent work, get the scoop on jbo photo sessions, and find out more (probably a LOT more) than you ever wanted to know about the day-to-day adventures of my quirky family.

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Tenth Grade, Seventh Grade

I mean…pretty much.

My kids are starting school online this year, because I REFUSE to send them to a school where they are forced to wear a mask all day in order to protect themselves and others, because you can’t take away OUR FREEDOMS!

Ha.  Actually, nah.  It’s really because we are still in the thick of a global pandemic, and we live in the country with the most cases in the world, the state with the second most cases in the country, and the county with the most cases in the state.  Our schedules can accommodate it, so we’re doing it.  Bailey is fine with it, and Parker is…less fine with it.  And I really do get it.  Virtually all of Parker’s closest friends are back on campus together, and I know he is feeling left out.   I sincerely hope that these weeks go by quickly, our COVID numbers begin to drop rapidly, and our parent-child relationships will fully recover from this current, ah, strain.

We’re making the best of it, starting with the Travis Scott combo meal from McDonalds we had today for lunch.  None of your friends stuck on campus had a Travis Scott combo meal from McDonalds for lunch today, Parker!  They didn’t play with their dogs during Chemistry, sip a soda during Algebra II, or have the option of total pantslessness for the entire day.  You had allll of those things.  What a privilege!  What a joy!

We’re going to make it, you guys.  My dearest babies, my co-workers, my space-sharers.  We’re going to grow together in love and learning and be better humans for it.


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