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    I'm Janica, a Houston-based portrait photographer, and this is the JBO PHOTO blog. Here, you can check out my recent work, get the scoop on jbo photo sessions, and find out more (probably a LOT more) than you ever wanted to know about the day-to-day adventures of my quirky family.

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Parker (did I catch a niner in there?)

Parker, oh Parker.  You’re NINE, and for your birthday, all you wanted was a YouTube account.  This speaks volumes about where we are in life, my friend. (by the way…wish granted, buttercraft17)

It’s getting real now, this big kid-dom.  You make your own choices, you set your own alarms, you pop your own popcorn, you wash your own hair, you do your own homework, you sleep in your own – well, no.  No you don’t. ;)
I cherish you, Sweet P.  I don’t know another kid like you!  Yes, there are other kids that are obsessed with Minecraft.  No, you’re not the only kid who can throw a crazy-good pitch from the mound.  I know plenty of kids who gag when they eat broccoli and don’t like having their toenails cut and actually enjoy the bizarre stuff that plays on Cartoon Network.  But I’ll be darned if I’ve EVER seen a kid do any of those things with the kind of Parker-ness that you do.  I want to hoist you onto my shoulders sometimes and just run around yelling at people to check you out.  “See my kid?  See how handsome he is?  Ask him a question about U.S. Presidents!  Wanna hear some Beastie Boys lyrics?  Name the album and he’s got you covered.  Have you seen his selfies on Instagram?  He CHOSE these bright green skinny jeans, for crying out loud!”

Parker Day Boles, I am so proud of you and I love you with all of my heart.

Too soon, PBO.  Too soon.

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GailOctober 21, 2013 - 5:50 pm

Janica, how I LOVE this post! We just celebrated Dean’s birthday Sunday (his actual birthday is the 23rd) and already I can tell this whole growing up thing happens SO fast! I love what you wrote about Parker …almost as much as I loved all these photos — that last one especially!

The Williams Family

Most know her as Holly, but to me, she’ll always be my cool cousin Honk.:)
John, Holly, and Reiss (and sweet Bella!) are a beach kind of family.  They are California kids at heart, and I think it shows.  I loved getting to spend a few fun minutes with them in Galveston last weekend, and look forward to whatever crazy family affair will bring us together next!  I love you guys!

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