Oh, Sister.


My sweet Billy Bean,  I know we’ve had a rough go of it lately.

I understand how desperately difficult it is to be 17 months old.  Truly, I get it.  So please, feel free to keep experimenting with the drama-filled protests.  Keep clenching those fat little fists and pinching your bewildered big brother.  Throw back that pigtailed head of yours and let another one of those signature “noooooooo!”s rip.  Spit out most of your food and fling the remaining bits onto the floor.  (the dogs say you’re their favorite)

Because, my baby girl, soon you will realize – it is so much easier to laugh than it is to cry.  To go with the flow instead of fighting so hard against the current.  Hang in there, sister.  I know you will figure it all out soon enough.

But in the meantime, please don’t mind Mommy when she abruptly leaves the room, slowly counts to ten through clenched teeth, or screams into a nearby pillow.  It’s all a part of the ride.


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lindseyJune 12, 2009 - 7:11 am

priceless. :)

hang in there, mom!

LizardJune 20, 2009 - 9:14 pm

As a recent witness to ummm, a few, or more of these fits, I have to say…. Poor mommy! Billy Bean, Mom needs a break! True Drama Queen. But, just between you and I, she is a REALLY cute fit thrower!

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