Crazy-cute-fun baby faces?? Emrey’s got your crazy-cute-fun baby faces right here!
Three generations of magnificent. Love you, Yates/Owen folks!
Seriously? Emrey is like a caricature of cuteness. Like the cutest little muppet face you ever did see.
The teeth! The teeth!Time to cowgirl up.
The cute muppet face AND the teeth all at once? Emrey, you’re killing me.
Pretty mama.
Oh Ashley, thank you so much for letting me hang out with Emrey. I’m smitten. (and thanks for bringing your parents…I’ve been smitten with them for years.)
P.S. This is fun. Here we are, oh, ELEVEN YEARS AGO??
I desperately want to say something like “where did the time go?” or “you’re all grown up!” or “how can a BABY have a BABY?” but I’m just going bite my tongue for now and NOT be that 30ish-year-old girl who blubbers about time zooming by.
Instead, I’ll just say hey Ashley, old friend, you have grown into such a lovely woman and have made a beautiful family. I’m proud of you.