Category Archives: Pets

Kaylee and Jared

Sweet Kaylee holds a special place in my heart…she was one of the very first people to take a chance on me almost exactly 5 years ago when I decided that I was really going to give this photography thing a shot. I appreciate you, friend!  Thank you and Jared (and Maggie and Milton!) for…

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The Sokol Family

Ladies and gentlemen, the Sokol family! (I know…pretty darn perfect, huh?) They even come with a dog! But come on, we know who’s the real star of this show… ♥ Isla! ♥ I wonder. Let’s do this, Beans. This stuff?  I’m so outta here. Ahhhh…the sweetest. Who’s adorably happy and has eight teeth..? This girl!!…

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Sarah and Paulie

What a treat to see Sarah again! Aside from being entirely lovely, she is also a fantastic realtor in Houston.  Oh, and she sure likes pugs…especially her Paulie.  (can you blamer her??) Sarah is involved with an awesome local pug rescue group, PugHearts, and needed some photos with Paulie for an upcoming fundraising event.  If…

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