Category Archives: jbo photo

Ashton and Elon

Oh, boys.  ♥ I adore newborn babies.  So when you give me two of them and snuggle them all up together and let me watch them squeak and wriggle and sigh and grin and love on each other…well folks, that’s what I call a good day at the office. Alyson and Daniel, it has been…

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Leyla, Bryan, Audrey, and Natalie (+1!)

Ready or not, here they grow! One of my all time favorite families is about to get a little bigger…  Leyla, Bryan, Audrey, and Natalie will welcome a baby BOY very soon!  He’s one lucky little fella. I loved getting to splash around Galveston with this fine family.  They are easy-breezy, life-loving kinds of folks. …

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Jen, Lynda, Dylan, and Aiden

Life is good …just ask Jen, Lynda, Dylan, and Aiden. Our time together was chock-full of love and laughter.  Jen and Lynda felt like old friends…and I’m so glad to call them new ones!

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