Category Archives: Kids

The Rose/Woodroof Family

I am pleased to introduce you to Atlanta’s finest.  This is Jon, Stacey, and big Otto. Just look at ‘em.They’re pretty perfect, huh? One’s a scientist, one speaks German, and one is incredibly cute running around in a diaper. (I’m not telling who’s who.) You guessed it.  Otto’s a scientist. Yes! Otto!  The face! Lovely,…

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Cousins: Lukas, Gwyn, Elke, and Lana

Gwyn, Elke, and Lana are three fabulous sisters. And they have a cousin, Lukas, who is equally fabulous…if you can catch him!   Gwyn, my friend, you are simply gorgeous. Elke = Sassy style. (and look at those amazing eyes!) Little Lana can giggle with the best of ‘em.  And she’s pretty stinking cute while…

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