Category Archives: Kids


Sam and Shelby are already parents to my most favorite fun-faced gal, Campbell.  And now, they’re adding one more…and soon! I can’t wait to meet her.  She’s got a lot of cute to live up to.   More of the Moores: Shelby’s Maternity Baby Campbell Moore Family

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Reese’s pieces include: chubby little clasped hands, sweet furrowed brows, preciously pouted lips, breathtakingly beautiful eyes, and rolls of squeezable baby goodness. Add them all up, and she’s seven months of perfection. ♥

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Caroline and Kate

Once upon a time, I had the pleasure of meeting a 4-year-old gal named Caroline. Almost 3 years have passed, and sweet Caroline is now a big sister to the incredible Kate!  These two little ladies kept me thoroughly entertained as we stomped around the Houston Arboretum.  There was drama!  Comedy!  Action!  I was blown…

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