Category Archives: Couples


Simply divine. Lovely to meet you, Genesis and Brandon…and I can’t wait to meet that baby boy.

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Stacey, Jon, Otto, and Mira

Helloooooo, Atlanta! What’s a little whirlwind weekend o’ fun without throwing some friend photos in the mix??  I am so crazy about my buddies Stacey and Jon, and their amazing kiddos, Otto and Mira, exceed all expectations of awesomeness.  I loved being able to photograph their family several years ago when they were in Houston,…

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Allison, Janning, Clara, Rasmus, and Tove

The Hoenen Family came ALL THE WAY FROM GERMANY just to have their pictures taken by me! OK, well, maybe they had planned the trip to Houston to visit friends and family for the Christmas holiday, but most likely, the promise of a jbo photo session is what really tipped the scales in favor of…

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