Category Archives: Parker

Parker is 17, going on 18.

Parker, you have worn glasses since you were 10, and you have only had 3 pairs. And it’s never been because you’ve  lost or broken a pair.  (They have just been fashion upgrades.)I mention this, because I think it is the perfect illustration of the kind of kid you are, my sweet P.  You are…

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Eleventh Grade, Eighth Grade

  Here we are.  Again.  For the first time. After cramming in as much travel and family fun as a brief false sense of security during global pandemic would allow, it’s time to go back to school.  Is COVID gone?  Nah.  Are my kids vaccinated?  Yeah.  Are schools continuing to offer safe learning environments to…

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Parker is 16 But He Doesn’t Have a Car

​Hi, PBO.  Hello. Here’s an awkward truth:  You make me nervous. I think I’m kind of obsessed with wanting you to like me, and so I feel all anxious sometimes wanting to do and say the right things.   It’s just that it was such an effortless GIVEN that you thought I was the coolest for…

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