Category Archives: personal

Parker, the Adult Man

Every year, I look forward to a birthday photo session with each of my kids.  I love being able to document their physical growth, and hopefully capture the nuances of their personalities. But not this year.  Not for 18-year-old Parker Day Boles.  This year, I got one photo, in the front yard, as he hurried…

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Twelfth Grade, Ninth Grade

  The last first day. It’s pretty…stunning, I guess.  I feel stunned.  A bit numb, and a lot in denial. But baby, IT’S HAPPENING.  And I honestly think I can feel OK about it, maybe even a bit excited.  Mostly, it’s because I’m realizing that he’s ready.  Or at least, he’s definitely getting there.  Parker…

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Bailey is Fourteen

When we were visiting Boston over the summer, we took a tour of the Paul Revere house.  As we entered the front gate, Bailey’s eyes widened and she gasped, “Wait…!  He was REAL?!?”  Matt, Parker, and I glanced at each other in confusion as she continued, “Even the big blue OX?? Oh, Bailey.  Ohhhhh Bailey,…

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F a c e b o o k