Category Archives: Janica

The Parker Post

Dear Parker, I know that I tell you a dozen times a day that I love you.  I know that you get it.  I just thought I’d share with you some of the reasons why, at this very moment, I am thrilled to be your mother. I love the way your little face scowls when you…

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Workin’ at the Carwash

The sun was blazing. The car was dirty. The kids were bored. A bucket, some old rags, a dallop of dishsoap and SHAZAAAM!  We had ourselves an afternoon. And because I’m not one to resist an animation opportunity…

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Just cuz’(ins)

How’s this for a happy-fun bunch?? We had some darn good cousin hangout time a few nights ago.  Matt and I met my cousin Casey and her gang for some good ol’ park, pizza, and play time.  Let me tell you, it was long overdue.  The dynamic between these kiddos is so fun to watch….

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k