Category Archives: Family

Good Friday

So technically, Good Friday is tomorrow.  But if you ask me, last Friday was pretty darn good, too. We cruised over to Greg and Kristy’s house for an evening of chit-chat, Wii, newborn snuggling, and MEAT!  I think it is fair to say that Greg has become one with his grill.  Please understand the amount of thought…

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Just cuz’(ins)

How’s this for a happy-fun bunch?? We had some darn good cousin hangout time a few nights ago.  Matt and I met my cousin Casey and her gang for some good ol’ park, pizza, and play time.  Let me tell you, it was long overdue.  The dynamic between these kiddos is so fun to watch….

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Green with Envy?

I dare say you should be.  :) Matt’s out-of-town trial?  Settled. Draft beer?  Check. (thanks kegerator) Green food coloring?  Check.  (only 2 drops per mug, please!) Green salsa. Great weather. Front yard swing. Family. Fabulous. Popout (try clicking on the “HD” button for the video.  it may take a moment to load, but the quality…

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