Category Archives: Bailey

Bailey on the Brain

Tomorrow is going to be a doozie. It is the first day of preschool.  Now Parker is an old pro – this will be his fourth year at the same school and he is all a-wiggle with excitement.   Alas, my sweet Bailey is another story entirely.  Bailey, whose infamous antics at the  gym child watch…

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Honey Ham

ham (hm) n. 1 a: the hollow of the knee b: a buttock with its associated thigh —usually used in plural 2: a cut of meat consisting of a thigh ; especially : one from a hog 3: one Bailey Marlyce Boles “No, Granbob, I want to do it MYSELF!” COWABUNGA! Oh now, don’t you worry…she’s fine.  Cute bounces.

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Whew.  I just got home from a whirlwind trip to New York City.  Matt has been working there since early this month, and I was thrilled to be able to squeeze in a quick visit!  He had to work all day, so I had the very weird opportunity to traipse around the city all by…

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