Bailey is NOT a Teenager. (yet)

But she is TWELVE!

We were supposed to get your hair cut.
We were going to go see Little Women at that fancy new theater, swing by a salon for a fresh wash and trim, and finally knock out these 12-year-old pictures.  But it was President’s Day there wasn’t a hair appointment to be found.  And even though we loved the movie, the theater experience was kind of a disorganized mess.  And it was so windy. And cold.  And honestly…?  We just weren’t feeling it.

We sucked it up and played around for a bit anyway, and figured we’d try to do your “real” photos another day.  But Bailey Boles, as soon as I uploaded these photos, all I could see was YOU.  Shaggy bangs be darned…you just have this Bailey-ness that makes my heart skip a beat.  I can’t believe that you’re mine and I’m yours.

It hasn’t been your favorite year. The transition to middle school can be pretty harsh, especially for such a cheerful optimist!  I’ve seen your confidence falter, not only in yourself, but in those who have disappointed you.  But, my Sunny B, I’ve also witnessed so much growing!  (seriously, like 6 inches)  You are trying so many new things, and even when they cause you grief, you stick with it!  Chess club, Destination Imagination, Technology Club, GT, Theater Tournament Team, Girl Scouts, piano, and now you’re in the school play…I’m exhausted by your schedule, and all I do is drive.  :)

You are infectious. And not in a creepy Coronavirus kind of way.  Honestly, it’s been so hard for me to sit and write this because I’m overwhelmed by the task of finding the right words to convey the wonder of you.  I can’t do you justice. You tangle my words right up.   Just know that I have every intention of spending the rest of my life laughing with you, fiercely protecting you, and unconditionally loving you.  You are a marvel.  (Speaking of, I can’t believe you watched every single Marvel movie with your dad over the holidays.  Good for you guys, really.  That’s just not my bag.)

(kitty secrets)




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