As I sit with my little man Parker and watch the first episodes of American Idol Season 9, I can’t help but bump up this post from last year. Parker’s infatuation with “the singing show” appears to be resurfacing, so please stayed tuned for potential audition tapes from him in the weeks to come. (It is worth mentioning that these songs were ENTIRELY his spur-of-the-moment creation. Never before, and never since, have I experienced such random musical hilarity from this boy)
Originally posted February 3, 2009
We’re American Idol fans in this house. I mean really, who isn’t?
After last season, Parker talked about “the two Davids” for MONTHS, and I thought he was going to lose it completely when he recognized David Cook on a commercial that aired during AI last week. (”Mom! Mom! But wwwwhy does he wear make up? Is that David a womens?”)
He has now decided that it is incredibly entertaining to act out the audition process. Over. And over. And over. The clips below will introduce you to Jason, Jarett, and Peyton, as well as their original audition songs – instant classics such as, “Rock and Roll my Life”, “Everything is Red”, and “So Much Girls in my Party”.
Matt, dearest, see what you have been missing by working late every night? When you get home, I wonder if he’ll make you be Simon or Paula? (I’m holding down the Randy right now, so back off.)
Please note the half-naked baby prissing around. Such cuteness demands to be noted.
“Rock and Roll my Life”
“Everything is Red”
“So Much Girls in my Party”
Wicked! Jarett is particularly fantastic, and now I have “Everything is red, everything is red, all my pants, all my foots, all my eyes, all my earrings…” stuck in my head. Very catchy! Rock on P-Bo, rock on, dawg! Oh and Bailey is flipping ADORABLE. But she already knows that.
I’m *so* glad you blogged today, Janica…you are awesome!
Oh my goodness me! I stopped over because your bestie Elizabeth mentioned you the other day! What a fun treat, this blog post! so so cute!
What a year has done for Bailey’s figure! Parker you crack me up! It was great to see you guys this morning. Josh has been asking for another pizza night. We should do it again soon.
He is so freaking cute!