Monthly Archives: April 2010


I don’t know about you, but when MY brother and sister-in-law are in town from London and the volcanic ash from an enormous Icelandic volcano leaves them stranded in town with us for an unknown amount of time, the obvious way to deal with the situation is to play badminton!  Lots and lots of badminton!…

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Nacho Ordinary Target Trip

Today, we had to go to the grocery store.  Now, I’m not talking about the kind of trip where you breeze in and grab a dozen eggs, some Altoids, and a magazine for poops and grins.  No, my friends, this was going to be EPIC.  I have fed my  children chocolate chip cookies for breakfast…

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The Smyth Family

If I told you that it only gets cuter from here, would you believe me? See?  Told ya. Little Miss Claire is 100% squeezable doll-baby perfection and I just can’t get enough of her! Kelly + Dan = adorable chilren. (and P.S. aren’t Dan’s eyes AMAZING?) So why not give it another go? What’s that…

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T w i t t e r
F a c e b o o k